Are Daffodils Poisonous to Cats? Vet- Reviewed Facts & Care Tips

March 2024 · 5 minute read

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Daffodil flowers are gorgeous and easy to care for, which makes them a popular choice in many gardens. Unfortunately, these beautiful flowers are poisonous to cats and other animals.

In fact, daffodils are highly poisonous to cats and other pets. If you have cats and other animals in your home, you should plant other flowers that are not extremely toxic to your furry family members. If not, your cat could experience incredibly painful signs from daffodil consumption.

To learn more about daffodil poisoning in cats, read on. In this article, we fully explain daffodil poisoning and what to do if you suspect your cat has ingested daffodils. Keep reading to learn more.

Are Daffodils Poisonous to Cats?

Daffodils are considered poisonous to cats and dogs alike. After ingesting daffodil, your cat will experience a few uncomfortable and painful signs; however, it’s rarely fatal.

Why Are Daffodils Poisonous to Cats?

Daffodils, formally known as Narcissus by their botanical name, are highly poisonous to cats and other animals. The flower, especially the bulbous root in the ground, is incredibly toxic, but the flower above the ground is toxic as well.

The entire plant is toxic to cats because it contains several alkaloids including lycorine, galanthamine, and narciclasine, which is a known emetic that causes vomiting. The outside of the bulb has a higher toxin concentration, as it is covered in little calcium oxalate crystals that lead to additional tissue irritation and drooling.

When the bulb or large parts of the plant are ingested, it can lead to serious signs in your cat. Even ingesting a little bit of the flower can lead to issues in your feline, but the intoxication is likely to be more serious if they get to the bulb. Severe intoxication can cause everything from nausea, drooling, and vomiting to abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, and even cardiac arrhythmias.

Are Daffodils Poisonous to Other Animals?

Unfortunately, daffodils are poisonous to more than just cats. Daffodils are toxic to most animals, including cats, dogs, and horses. These beautiful flowers are even toxic to humans, who have ingested the bulbs accidentally, confusing them with onions. 

Signs Your Cat Ingested Daffodil

The degree of your cat’s signs will depend largely on the amount of flower ingested and the part of the flower that was ingested. The more of the daffodil your cat eats, the worse the symptoms will be. If the cat can consume all the way down to the bulb, expect some severe signs.

Here are some of the most common signs that your cat ingested daffodil:

All the signs described are painful and uncomfortable for your cat. One good thing is that daffodil poisoning is rarely fatal in cats. Unless your cat eats a large number of daffodils, it will likely be able to survive. Most cats will not eat enough daffodils for them to die, but they will need emergency medical care.

What To Do If Your Cat Ingests Daffodil

Even if your cat only ingested a small portion, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Contact your veterinarian to get emergency help immediately. The faster you get help, the higher the chances of your cat surviving. While you are taking your cat to the veterinarian, remain calm. If you act stressed or scared, it will cause your cat to feel more stressed than it already is. Remain calm for the sake of your cat and remind yourself that your cat will not die, especially if you seek treatment soon.

Once at the vet, your veterinarian will likely induce vomiting to get the toxins out of your cat’s system. Although it may be painful to watch your cat throw up or get injections and IV fluids, this is the best way to improve your cat’s overall well-being after daffodil consumption.

What If I Have Daffodils Around My House?

Especially during springtime, it can be next to impossible to avoid daffodils. Daffodils are often planted all around homes and in gardens, and they are often gifted in bouquets. If you have a cat, it is better to avoid keeping daffodils around your home. As a responsible cat parent, it is better to check out cat-friendly alternatives to daffodils. Popular flowers like Orchids, Roses, Sunflowers, and Zinnias are gorgeous to look at but aren’t toxic to your cat.

Final Thoughts

As a cat owner, it’s your responsibility to keep your furry feline safe. If you have a cat, avoid keeping daffodils in your home. Even though daffodils are rarely fatal to cats, they are extremely toxic and can jeopardize your cat’s life if they ingest them. 

You can always avoid daffodils entirely. This is the best option for keeping your cat safe. We recommend planting cat-safe alternatives in your garden instead. If you are gifted daffodils, make sure they are kept somewhere where your cat cannot get to them.

Keep in mind that all of this applies to other pets too, such as dogs. Because of the chemicals found in daffodils, this flower is toxic to most pets. Contact your vet immediately if you suspect your cat or dog has ingested daffodil, but remain calm.

Featured Image Credit: Couleur, Pixabay
