Saoirse Ronan Channeled 2010 Fashion By Wearing a Denim Skirt With Tights and Loafers

May 2024 · 2 minute read

We're still shaking off the shock we felt after seeing popcorn shirts and trucker hats make a comeback, but it seems like questionable trends continue to rise from the grave.

Actress Saoirse Ronan, for instance, recently reminded us that denim skirts are having yet another big moment, as she wore a cute button-up version (Shop Similar: $40;, while walking through West London over the weekend.


It's not like this closet staple ever really went away, but how Ronan chose to style her own version — with black tights, loafers (Shop Similar: $148;, and a leather jacket — brought us back to 2010. The combination was simple, easy, and slightly preppy, and in a way, it reminded us of looks that Alexa Chung and Chloë Sevigny wore a full decade ago.

Technically, this is 2009, but Alexa Chung did wear similar looks around the '10s. Michael Buckner/Getty Images for Mercedes-Benz

While we've definitely cringed at the return of '00s and '10s trends (um, the bubble skirt, anyone?), this trusty outfit idea is both cute and smart. It's not exactly warm, but it includes enough layers to make it fit for fall's in-between, chilly weather. Another plus is that it's quick enough to throw together in a pinch.

Between this throwback-inspired look and the new Razr cellphone, we're pretty sure we're time traveling in 2020 — and we don't mind it one bit.
