The Meaning Behind The Song: A pistear by Nene Torres

March 2024 · 3 minute read

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The Meaning Behind The Song: “A Pistear” by Nene Torres

In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song “A Pistear” by Nene Torres. This popular regional Mexican song resonates with many listeners due to its catchy melody and relatable lyrics. The lyrics depict a story of a man who arrives home drunk, causing tension with his partner. Let’s delve deeper into the song’s meaning and connect to its sentiments.


TitleA Pistear
ArtistNene Torres
Writer/ComposerVanesa Fernandez
AlbumNo information available
Release DateJanuary 1, 2012
GenrePop Regional Mexicano Banda
ProducerMayra Music

The song starts with the narrator acknowledging his drunken arrival, asking his partner not to worry or make a big deal out of it. He expresses that whether he drinks or not, it shouldn’t matter to her. He humorously suggests she should go to the store and bring him another beer while he continues drinking. The lyrics capture the familiar scenario of arriving home intoxicated and facing the consequences.

The chorus repeats the phrase “A pistear” which can be translated as “To drink,” emphasizing the main theme of the song. It seems to convey a sense of escapism and the desire to let loose and enjoy oneself, especially when faced with the inevitable end of the world. The repetition amplifies the idea that life is short, so why not celebrate and live in the moment.

The second verse reveals the frustration of the partner who was upset at the narrator’s late arrival. The line “Solo por que son las tres de la mañana y por que huelo un poquito a alcohol” (Just because it’s three in the morning and I smell a little bit like alcohol) suggests that the partner’s anger is fueled by the late hour and the scent of alcohol. The narrator defensively questions where he was, with whom, and why he arrived at this hour, implying there might be a lack of trust or communication in the relationship.

The narrator apologizes, claiming not to have brought a clock with him and not knowing the time. This could either be a genuine excuse or a sarcastic remark, suggesting that he is unapologetic for his behavior. He then declares his intention to continue partying, assuming the night is still young. This indicates a mindset focused on enjoyment and disregarding responsibilities.

Personal experiences with this song vary from person to person. For some, it may resonate because they have been in a similar situation where they have arrived home drunk and faced the consequences. Others may connect with the idea of embracing the moment and finding joy in the face of a potentially bleak future.

I personally find this song to be a reminder of the importance of balancing fun and responsibility. While it is important to enjoy life and let loose at times, it is also crucial to consider the impact our actions may have on others. The song serves as a cautionary tale of the potential consequences of excessive drinking and irresponsibility.

In conclusion, “A Pistear” by Nene Torres is a lively and relatable song that captures the spirit of celebrating and enjoying life in the face of its uncertainties. The lyrics depict a scenario many can relate to, highlighting the tension between indulging in the moment and facing the repercussions of our actions. As listeners, we can appreciate the catchy melody and connect with the song’s themes of escapism and responsibility.
