Why Jake Sully Didn't Die In Avatar: The Way Of Water

March 2024 ยท 3 minute read

Avatar: The Way of Water features the deaths of some memorable Avatar characters, but not Jake Sully. Here's why Jake doesn't die in the movie.

Jake Sully does not die in Avatar: The Way of Water for these simple reasons. Avatar: The Way of Water is the sequel to Avatar, the highest-grossing film ever made, and while it does not quite match its predecessor in terms of box office numbers, it still brought in an impressive $2.3 billion. Considering that astounding number, it is no surprise that the Avatar franchise's creator, James Cameron, has promised three more films in the franchise.

Avatar: The Way of Water is a gorgeous film with a gripping story, and though many characters die in Avatar 2, there is still hope for the Na'vi to save their home world of Pandora. The Way of Water sees the return of humans to Pandora and another conflict between greedy humans and the peaceful Na'vi. Due to the story's takes, there was some concern that Jake Sully, the protagonist of the film, might be among the casualties. However, the character managed to survived through the end of Avatar: The Way of Water.

Neteyam's Death Makes More Sense Than Jake Sully Dying In Avatar 2

As it turns out, it simply made more sense for Jake's eldest son, Neteyam, to be the one to die in Avatar 2. There's a lot of story that still needs to be told in the Avatar franchise, and it would be difficult to continue exploring the theme of family without Jake Sully. One of the central aspects of the story is Jake's attempts to protect his family, and there is great deal left to explore there. If Jake had died in Avatar 2, it would have left the family theme incomplete and left a gap in the story that he currently fills. After all, he is still the main protagonist of the series, and it's too early to kill him off.

If Avatar does end up killing off Jake Sully, it will have to take the time to set up another main hero. There are plenty of options, mostly within Jake's family, but it would take some maneuvering of plot lines to position another character as the franchise's lead. If this does end up happening in one of the upcoming Avatar movies, prime candidates to fill in as the central protagonist would be Jake's children and his wife, Neytiri.

Why Jake Sully Might Die In The Avatar Sequels

Though Jake survives Avatar: The Way of Water, his death ocurring later is a scenario that shouldn't be ruled out. Jake dying to protect his family would be an appropriate way to tie up the family theme and his story as a whole. Plus, with a series of such great length, it's difficult to keep the same main protagonist the whole time without things growing stale. If Jake just keeps saving his family and defeating the humans at the end of every movie it could cause fans to lose interest in the story. At some point or another, a new character taking the reins from Jake may become necessary.

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